Watchman Willie Martin Archive

Many people, such as my parents, worshiped the Jewish President Franklin D. Roosevelt as the savior of America from the terrible depression days, and was the leader of the �Good War,� World War II. The terrible part is, my parents, and many of your parents and grand parents were terribly deceived by, what, next to the present administration, was probably the greatest traitor in the history of any nation, and especially America.

America has had seven (7) Presidents who were/are Jews:

1). Abraham Lincoln;

2). Theodore Roosevelt;

3). Woodrow Wilson;

4). Franklin D. Roosevelt;

5). Harry S. Truman;

6). Dwight D. Eisenhower; and

7). William Jefferson Blythe (Rothschild) Clinton.

And during every one of these men, many thousands, yes hundreds of thousands of our finest young Israelite White Men died fighting each other in wars instigated and fostered by the Jews.

Myth of �Good War� Seems Destined to Live in Infamy; by Joseph Sobran is a very good article about Franklin Roosevelt the traitor.

Fifty years (now 58) after the event some Americas are alarmed to find the Japanese insufficiently penitent about Pear Harbor. An American professor speculates in �The Washington Post� that this lack of remorse may be traceable to Japan�s �Buddhist derived� psychology.

A learned guess, but how about this one. Maybe it�s just pain unnatural for a Japanese born in 1950 or so to feel guilty about a secret decision made by a small council of generals, after much internal wrangling, in 1941.

I am not a Buddhist, but I swear on the Hondas of my ancestors that I feel no guilt whatsoever about the dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That was Harry Truman�s decision, not mine. And the instant annihilation of tens of thousands of civilians was an immeasurably more barbarous act than the Japanese attack on a military target in Hawaii.

If we are going to be heaping ancestral guilt on each other, maybe Americans should interrupt their ritual commemoration of World War II to look at the mora vulnerabilities of their own government. It�s a government (impenitent to this day) that made a policy of mass murder, killing civilians by the hundreds of thousands in aerial bombings of cities in Japan and Germany. The atomic bomb was not an anomaly, ut a culmination.

Yes, yes, I know. Hitler did it too. Thank God for the Axis atrocities without them, we might be forced to look a little harder at those of �our� government.

�Time Magazine� mentioned in passing recently that 70 percent of the dead in World War II were civilians (as opposed to a �mere� 17 percent in World War I). Estimates of the total number of dead run as high as 55 million (Almost as many as the number of Christians murdered by the Jews in Russia and Eastern Europe, since 1917 to the present time). It seems reasonable to suppose that the winning side got a certain amount of innocent blood on its hands.

But even today, second thoughts about that war seem verboten. It�s interesting that those who entertain such thoughts are often accused of �revisionism� the word Stalin used to hurl at those who deviated from the party line. It looks as if we are doomed to the eternal repetition of victors� truths, in endless celebration of the liberals� only holy war.

The myth persists that Franklin Roosevelt led us in a crusade primarily against Hitler and everything he stood for. The myth is only slightly disturbed by the growing awareness of FDR�s internment of Japanese-Americans, an act so brazenly unconstitutional that even J. Edgar Hoover objected. Hollywood got into the spirit of the thing with movies about �Japs� designed to excite raw race hatred, right down to physical ridicule of Japanese faces.

In his defense of �the Four Freedoms,� FDR formed a cozy alliance with Josef Stalin, a tyrant whose victims are beyond enumeration. At the war�s end the United States and Britain obligingly repatriated 2 million Soviet subjects to face certain death. No wonder C.S. Lewis quietly observed that with the passage of time, the similarities between Roosevelt and Hitler might loom larger than their differences (The Americans, British, and French armies deliberately starved to death more than a million German soldiers they had incarcerated in prison camps at the end of the war - WM).

It�s Americans, not the Japanese, who have the short memories. Roosevelt�s America was a radical departure form Jefferson�s America. Deriding the Constitution as a document for�horse-and-buggy days,�Roosevelt tried to concentrate dictatorial power in the executive branch. He wanted war badly and did his worst to provoke it, while pledging publicly to Americans that he would never send their sons to foreign wars. ABC�s 20/20 reports that he was planning a surprise attack on Japan when he was beaten to the punch at Pearl Harbor. Should we feel guilty about Roosevelt? Of course not. But we should detach ourselves form any commitment to justify him and his works, for our own good.

Roosevelt�s twin legacy is centralized government and permanent militarism. You are supposedly �liberal� or �conservative� according to which part of this legacy you prefer, though pervasive state power is highly illiberal, and nothing is more revolutionary than war.

That it now seems quixotic to reject this dual legacy in toto is a sign of the way Roosevelt may have permanently narrowed our political options. And that it sounds almost seditious, even today, to question the myth of �the good war� is a sign of how deeply our minds are still in thrall to the kind of power Roosevelt established. The guilt is his, but the burden is ours. (The Arizona Republic, 12/9/91)

Forgiving FDR: The FDR memorial has now been officially consecrated, and WHAT A SHAME IT IS. The memories of more honorable men are still tainted by their opposition to war with Hitler. But Roosevelt (The Traitor - WM) is forgiven for his active support for Stalin (Who, himself, murdered millions of Christians - WM). The usual excuse is that an alliance with the Soviet Union was a wartime necessity. Ut Roosevelt gave the Soviet Union diplomatic recognition, and international legitimacy, early in his first term; long before the war, and at a time when Stalin was murdering millions of Ukrainians by forced starvation. Roosevelt�s policy abetted genocide, during peacetime, on a scale Hitler never approached during war.

During the war, Roosevelt actually glorified Stalin, never saying a word about his terrible crimes. After the war, Stalin joined the Allies in conducting the Nuremberg Trials of German crimes against humanity. Roosevelt was dead by then (Thank goodness; his body should be exhumed and hung, like those of Oliver Cromwell in England many centuries ago - WM) but the trials were very much in his spirit (They were almost exclusive Jewish Talmudic Trials - WM). OUR OFFICIAL AND BIPARTISAN VENERATION OF THIS TRULY EVIL MAN IS A NATIONAL DISGRACE. (Wanderer, 5/22/97)

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